Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Wedding

We have set the DATE!! We will be getting married at 5:30 pm on April 25th, 2009.

We will be having an outdoor ceremony and reception at The Gordon Lee Mansion in Chickamagua GA.

I've included some pictures of other weddings there. If you want to look at some more pictures you can go here.

Here's a little history on the mansion:

The Mansion is the only structure left standing that was used during the great Battle of Chickamauga. It was built in 1847 by Mr. James Gordon, who purchased 2500 acres, in 1836, from settlers who had won it in the Cherokee Land lottery . Approximately 800 feet from the house is Crawfish Springs, which had served the Cherokee Nation as one of its division courthouses. In February of 1863, Mr. James Lee (the son-in-law of James Gordon) owned the house when it served the Union Army of the Cumberland's General William Rosecrans as his headquarters prior to the Battle of Chickamauga (September 16 - 19, 1863) and the site of seven division hospitals during (September 19 & 20, 1863) the Battle. It also served the Confederate Army as a hospital (September 20 - 30, 1863) after the Battle. A cannon battle took place on its grounds. In 1889 the Mansion's grounds became the birthplace of the oldest and largest Civil War Battlefield in the United States.

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